Friday 15 April 2016

This week I learned... [15/04/16]

1. When the Guardian tried to create "the web we want", the establishment showed how many people apparently still live in the hazy past of "oh I'm not being racist/ sexist/ misogynistic...."
Then I saw this on twitter and replied and such irony:
Displaying IMG_20160413_192514.jpg
Displaying IMG_20160413_192514.jpg
This also made me realise how much of an effort I put into really thinking through different people's experience of life and how it may make others feel when nasty troll comments are made, or worse.

2. Joanna Lumley actually doesn't eat, much like her famous character Patsy Stone. "Patsy hasn't eaten since 1974". This came about after binge watching Ab Fab led me to google Joanna's age. Anyway, I very much doubt she's a role model to young girls, despite the Ab Fab film due out soon.
"Well, there was that crisp...."

3. Someone posted this
on facebook and although good arguments were made for ghosts being naked (or, you know, not actually existing), it really made me fix onto the idea of being stuck in that exact point in your life, and in that exact outfit. So my twitter name this week is Ghost Cardigan. It's possible this reduces one's gravitas when getting into political spats on the twitter.

4. It was a challenging week to be in the Green Party. Starting with the moment when my local party missed the deadlines to register the candidates in the local election and ending on Question Time when the BBC managed to find the only Green Brexiter and put her on the panel. Plus then she didn't know the policy on inheritance tax. It grates a little when you feel you know the manifesto inside out and then key members seem not to when on tv... I guess it shows how much time, effort and probably money the big parties throw at spin.

5. I did a lot better at being vegetarian this week and even ate some falafel. The knock on effect of trying to cook properly and eat lots of fresh things was that I also ate a lot less dairy and had several mostly-plant-based days. It wasn't intentional, I'd probably not be able to do it for long as I'd have terrible cravings. As it is, I slightly binged on cheese and chocolate on Tuesday, got a migraine and couldn't skate!

That's it for this week. Hopefully next week I will be back at work, plus I'm skating in a tournament tomorrow so more may have happened...! If not, I will just be posting about all the different yohgurts I've tried over the week and I don't think anyone needs to read that.

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