Saturday 22 February 2014

15 - 22 Feb: Shop Local

This week was half term, and I mainly work in education so I thought I'd have a go at doing a shop local week, i.e. not going to a big supermarket in the car when I needed something.
I did pretty well... I had to go to jobs #1 and #2 on Monday, which means a commute across the whole county, so I decided to have a stop at the Co-Op to get my lunch rather than running into one of the expensive and ethically dodgy petrol station shops. I had coffee and cake in two local cafes: the lovely Vintage Cafe and The English Muse. Friend N and I went for a wander round the local shops and all the charity shops but I didn't actually buy anything... did pop in the greengrocers and come out with some purple sprouting broccoli though.
By Thursday it had gone a bit wrong as my bread from the start of the week had gone off and I did end up with a petrol station sandwich, oops... and on Friday I had to pop to Asda for a couple of things. On the other hand, I walked to my parent's house and we had home-made pizza for tea which seemed to balance it out a little.
 So next time I do this challenge, I need to plan better; pack a sensible lunch each day and also remember shopping bags so I don't end up needing carriers...

Next week: I'm going to do a 4:3 or 5:2 (need to have a think) week, with both eating habits and money spending...

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