Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Challenge is back on!

After I got off to a good start with the weekly challenge, I came up against a different kind of challenge: working full time (with my part time job on top) for the first time in 2 years left me with very little time to do anything extra. This being January, I then had a week when I needed to survive on nearly no money at all thinking I would get paid for some of this work at the end of it - I didn't; and then faced another week of very limited time and money. It wasn't much fun, but I suppose it was a challenge of a kind as I managed to get everywhere I needed to (usually on time), and feed myself - this partly thanks to very generous friends and family who helped out a lot. I also managed to keep up the 100 Happy Days challenge on Instagram, so I'm also proud of that. I did also do 15 minutes cleaning for most days on the first week, although I've had to do some extra cleaning to make up for the days when I was out of the house for about 14 hours!
So, upcoming challenges....
For the week before The Inhuman League's bout on 15 Feb I shall spend a week wearing red and black in honour of their team colours.
This week is already half way through so I think this is one where I shall try to do something nice for someone each day, especially to payback some favours that were done for me last week...
Some Instagram photos from my #100happydays

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